Child Safety & Member Protection Policies

The Pearcedale Cricket Club has endorsed the Cricket Victoria 2022 Member Protection Policy and Australian Cricket’s Commitment Statement and Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People, along with the Looking after our Kids Code of Behaviour for Affiliated Associations Clubs & Indoor Centres.
Our Child Safety Officer is Andrew Williams 0419 836 729


Member Protection Policy

Safeguarding Children & Young People


The Pearcedale Cricket Club (PCC) has formed the following Code of Conduct for all PCC members and player to discourage bad behaviour and poor conduct both on and off the field.

All club members and players are responsible for ensuring they demonstrate exemplary conduct at all times.

Team Captains are responsible for ensuring that all players’ behaviour on the field is acceptable at all times and that play is conducted within the correct spirit of the game and also within the laws of cricket, the bylaws of the MPCA and within the constitution of the PCC.

All PCC Players, club members, parents or supporters must:

  • Not assault or attempt to assault an Umpire, player, any member of any club, spectators, members of the public or any official.
  • Not react with obvious dissension, displeasure or disapproval towards an Umpire, their decision in a game, another player or member, any decision of the MPCA or the committee of PCC. All complaints must be made through the means described in this code of conduct.
  • Not use crude, racist and or abusive language or otherwise engage in conduct commonly known as “personal sledging”.
  • Not indulge in conduct detrimental to the game, the spirit of the game, the PCC or MPCA’s reputation.
  • In no way use crude or abusive language or hand signals towards other players, spectators, umpires or officials, or other club members.
  • Take all care to present themselves as fit and able to represent the Club and their team for the duration of the match, including arrival at the nominated ground at the appointed time unless unforeseen illness and injury occurs. Players must contact their team captain or junior coach if they are unable to attend a match before a scheduled time.
  • All players must attend training sessions as scheduled to be considered for selection for games. Any player unavailable to attend training at the time scheduled must advise the coaches in the first instance, or the team captains if unable to contact the coaches.


Any alleged breach of the Pearcedale Cricket Club Code of Conduct may be reported by:

• Any player participating in the match in which an alleged breach occurs.

• Any Umpire or Official.

• Any member of the Pearcedale Cricket Club.

• Any board member of the MPCA.

• Any person who believes an alleged breach has occurred that could affect the good name of the Pearcedale Cricket Club.

If any of the above persons wish to report an alleged breach of the Pearcedale Cricket Club Code of Conduct they shall do so in writing to the club president or secretary as soon as possible after the alleged incident has occurred.


The Committee of the Pearcedale Cricket Club has the right to act upon any report of any alleged breach of the Code of Conduct and deal with the matter as it sees fit. This includes and is not limited to suspension from games or from the club. The decision of the committee in respect of any breach is binding on all members. The MPCA prescribed penalties will be the minimum penalty for any breach of the MPCA code of conduct, and a further penalty over and above that prescribed by the MPCA may be imposed by the PCC committee at its discretion.


If any member wishes to make a complaint about any decision by an umpire, PCC official or committee or MPCA official, they shall do so in writing to the PCC committee as soon as possible after the incident occurs or the decision is made. The decision by the PCC committee in respect of any actions to be taken by the PCC in response to the complaint is final and all members are bound by the decision of the committee.